Persian Tools - v3.6.0

Persian tools

PersianTools is a standalone, library-agnostic JavaScript that enables some of the Persian features for use in the JavaScript.

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There are two main ways to get PersianTools.js in your JavaScript project: via script tags or by installing it from NPM and using a build tool like Parcel, WebPack, or Rollup.

Add the following code to an HTML file:

<!-- Load PersianTools.js -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Place your code in the script tag below. You can also use an external .js file -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Notice there is no 'import' statement. 'all persian-tools functions like digitsEnToFa, etc...' is available on the index-page
// because of the script tag above.

// Takes a string made of English digits only, and returns a string that represents the same number but with Persian digits
var convertToFa = PersianTools.digitsEnToFa(1234567);

// etc...


Open up that html file in your browser, and the code should run!

Install the PersianTools to your project using yarn or npm. Note: Because we use ES2017 syntax (such as import), this workflow assumes you are using a modern browser, or a bundler/transpiler to convert your code to something older browsers understand.

$ npm install --save @persian-tools/persian-tools


$ yarn add @persian-tools/persian-tools
import * as persianTools from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";
// or
import { digitsEnToFa } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

// Takes a string made of English digits only, and returns a string that represents the same number but with Persian digits
const convertedToFa = persianTools.digitsEnToFa(1234567);
// or
const convertedToFa = digitsEnToFa(1234567);

Let's take a look at what an example test case would look like using Persian-tools.

Options Description Default
fuzzy(Beta) Fix typo in the Persian words by using levenshtein algorithm false
digits Result will be converted to the English or Persian digits en
addCommas Commas will be added to the Result false
  • Convert with no option
import { wordsToNumber } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزارمین"); // -3000
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزارم"); // -3000
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزار"); // -3000
wordsToNumber("سه هزار دویست و دوازده"); // 3212
wordsToNumber("دوازده هزار بیست دو"); // 12022
  • Digits converter
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزارمین", { digits: "fa" }); // "-۳۰۰۰"
wordsToNumber("دوازده هزار بیست دو", { digits: "fa" }); // ۱۲۰۲۲
  • Add commas
wordsToNumber("منفی سه هزارمین", { addCommas: true }); // "-3,000"
wordsToNumber("دوازده هزار بیست دو", { addCommas: true }); // "12,022"
  • Fuzzy typo fixer(v1.5.0):
import { WordsToNumber } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

wordsToNumber("یگصد و بنجاه هزار", { fuzzy: true }); // "150000"
wordsToNumber("دویشت ر بیشت هزار", { fuzzy: true }); // "220000"
wordsToNumber("منقی ضد", { fuzzy: true }); // "-100"
import { numberToWords } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

numberToWords(500443); // "پانصد هزار و چهار صد و چهل و سه"
numberToWords("500,443"); // "پانصد هزار و چهار صد و چهل و سه"
numberToWords("500,443", { ordinal: true }); // "پانصد هزار و چهار صد و چهل و سوم"
numberToWords(30000000000); // "سی میلیارد"

NOTE: This function supports the largest safe integer (9007199254740991 / 2^53 - 1)

import { addCommas, removeCommas } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

addCommas(30000000); // "30,000,000"

removeCommas("30,000,000"); // 30000000
import {
} from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

digitsArToFa("۸۹123۴۵"); // "۸۹123۴۵"

digitsArToEn("٨٩123٤٥"); // "8912345"

digitsEnToFa("123۴۵۶"); // "۱۲۳۴۵۶"

digitsEnToAr("123٤٥٦"); // "۱۲۳٤٥٦"

digitsFaToAr("۱۷۸۲۳۴۰۵۶۹"); // ١٧٨٢٣٤٠٥٦٩
import { verifyIranianNationalId, getPlaceByIranNationalId } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

verifyIranianNationalId("0499370899"); // true
verifyIranianNationalId("0684159415"); // false
import { verifyIranianLegalId } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

verifyIranianLegalId(10380285692); // false
verifyIranianLegalId(10380284790); // true
getPlaceByIranNationalId("0084575948").city; // "تهران مرکزی"
import { verifyCardNumber, getBankNameFromCardNumber } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

verifyCardNumber(6037701689095443); // true

getBankNameFromCardNumber("6219861034529007"); // "بانک سامان"
import { isPersian, hasPersian, toPersianChars } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

isPersian("این یک متن فارسی است؟"); // true
isPersian("Lorem Ipsum Test"); // false
isPersian("هل هذا نص فارسي؟"); // false

hasPersian("This text includes فارسی"); // true

toPersianChars("علي"); // علی

Note: You can pass 2 more options to isPersian to customize it as your needs:

  • isComplex: If you pass true, Then it accepts some of regular arabic characters which are commons in persian texts.(default is false)
  • trimPattern: By default the function skips some of characters e.g. "'-+()؟. and whitespaces. You can pass your own customized regex as you need.
import { URLfix } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

); // "مدیاویکی:Gadget-Extra-Editbuttons-botworks.js"
URLfix(""); // "",
URLfix("Sample Text"); // "Sample Text"
Method Description Return type
getResult Result of bill calculated information BillResult
getAmount Calculate Bill amount by payment id and bill id which entered by the Bill constructor number
getBillType Get Bill provider type name BillTypes
getBarcode Calculate and get Bill's barcode string
verificationBill Validate entered both Bill id and payment id, and return true if bill id and payment id relation was true boolean
verificationBillId Validate entered Bill id boolean
verificationBillPayment Validate entered Bill payment id boolean
import { Bill } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

// Calculate bill amount by bill id and payment id
// Convert to Iranian Rials
// Return bill amount by Toman(Iranian currency type) by default
new Bill({ billId: 1117753200140, paymentId: 12070160, currency: "rial" }).getResult().amount; // 120000

// Find Bill's type by bill id and payment id
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().type; // تلفن ثابت
new Bill({ billId: 9174639504124, paymentId: 12908197 }).getResult().type; // برق
new Bill({ billId: 2050327604613, paymentId: 1070189 }).getResult().type; // آب
new Bill({ billId: 9100074409151, paymentId: 12908190 }).getResult().type; // تلفن همراه
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800105, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().type; // unknown

// Check Bill id validation
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().isValidBillId; // true
new Bill({ billId: 2234322344613, paymentId: 1070189 }).getResult().isValidBillId; // false

// Check Bill's payment id validation
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().isValidBillPayment; // true
new Bill({ billId: 9174639504124, paymentId: 12908197 }).getResult().isValidBillPayment; // false

// Check Bill id and payment id relations which is valid or not
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().isValid; // true
new Bill({ billId: 2234322344613, paymentId: 1070189 }).getResult().isValid; // false

// Get barcode from billId and paymentId
new Bill({ billId: 7748317800142, paymentId: 1770160 }).getResult().barcode; // 77483178001420001770160
new Bill({ billId: 9174639504124, paymentId: 12908197 }).getResult().barcode; // 917463950412400012908197

// Get bill bill id and payment id by bill's barcode
new Bill({ barcode: "22343223446130001070189" }).findByBarcode(); // { billId: 2234322344613 , paymentId: 1070189 }
  • Check validation
import { isShebaValid } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

isShebaValid("IR820540102680020817909002"); // true
isShebaValid("IR01234567890123456789"); // false
  • Recognize bank information
import { getShebaInfo } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

Result: {
"nickname": "parsian",
"name": "Parsian Bank",
"persianName": "بانک پارسیان",
"code": "054",
"accountNumberAvailable": true,
"accountNumber": "020817909002",
"formattedAccountNumber": "002-00817909-002"
import { halfSpace } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

halfSpace("نمی ‌خواهی درخت ها را ببینیم؟"); // "نمی‌خواهی درخت‌ها را ببینیم؟"
Properties Description Return type
info provide info about plate PlateResultApi
isValid checks if plate is valid or not boolean


import { Plate } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

Plate("12D45147"); // passing string argument

// or passing in object style
number: "1245147",
char: "الف",
  • Getting info about plate
import { Plate } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

template: 12 D 451 ایران 47
province: مرکزی ,
type: Car,
category: دیپلمات,
details: {
firstTwoDigits: 12,
plateCharacter: D,
nextThreeDigits: 451,
provinceCode: 47

// handle motorcyles plate
template: 123-45678,
province: مرکز تهران,
type: Motorcyle,
category: null,
details: {
digits: 45678

Plates that have farsi digits in them(like: الف، ب، ص) will be returned in this template

  • Checking if plate is valid
import { Plate } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";



will return false - plate character is not provided

will return false - plate can't have 0 in its digits (except last digit)


Suppose the current time is equal to 1400/03/17 18:00:00

import { timeAgo } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

// Previous
timeAgo("1400/03/17 17:55:00"); // 5 دقیقه قبل
timeAgo("1400/02/17 18:00:00"); // حدود 1 ماه قبل

// Next
timeAgo("1400/04/07 18:00:00"); // حدود 3 هفته بعد
timeAgo("1401/03/17 18:00:00"); // حدود 1 سال بعد


Takes a date(it could be string, number or date) and calculate years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds remained to that specific date.

import { remainingTime } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

remainingTime("2023-05-14T13:35:59Z").toString(); // ۱ سال و ۱ ماه و ۲ روز و ۳ ساعت و ۵ دقیقه و ۸ ثانیه

const { years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, isFinished } = remainingTime("2023-05-14T13:35:59Z");
years; // 1
minutes; // 5
isFinished; // false

remainingTime("2018-04-12T10:30:51Z").isFinished; // true


  • Finding information such as province, type and model of phone number
import { phoneNumberDetail } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

province: ["البرز", "زنجان", "سمنان", "قزوین", "قم", "برخی از شهرستان های استان مرکزی"],
base: "تهران",
operator: "همراه اول",
type: ["permanent"],

province: [],
base: "کشوری",
operator: "ایرانسل",
type: ["permanent", "credit"],

province: [],
base: "کشوری",
operator: "شاتل موبایل",
type: ["credit"],
  • Validating phone number
import { phoneNumberValidator } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

phoneNumberValidator("09122002580"); // true
phoneNumberValidator("09192002580"); // true

phoneNumberValidator("+989022002580"); // true
phoneNumberValidator("09022002580"); // true
phoneNumberValidator("989022002580"); // true
phoneNumberValidator("00989022002580"); // true
phoneNumberValidator("9022002580"); // true

phoneNumberValidator("09802002580"); // false
  • Normalizing phone number
import { phoneNumberNormalizer } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

phoneNumberNormalizer("+989022002580", "0"); // 09022002580
phoneNumberNormalizer("989022002580", "0"); // 09022002580
phoneNumberNormalizer("09022002580", "0"); // 09022002580
phoneNumberNormalizer("09022002580", "+98"); // +989022002580


This function returns the Capital City name by its state name. if it can't find anything, it will throws an error.

import { findCapitalByProvince } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

findCapitalByProvince("خراسان رضوی"); // مشهد
findCapitalByProvince("آذربایجان شرقی"); // تبریز

// this throw an error string 'no province found'


Find the province from a given coordinate point. If it cannot find anything, it will throw an error.

import { findProvinceFromCoordinate } from "@persian-tools/persian-tools";

// Find province for a given coordinate point
const point = { latitude: 35.6892, longitude: 51.3890 };

const province = findProvinceFromCoordinate(point);

province.fa; // "تهران"
province.en; // "Tehran"

// shorthand syntax using destructuring
const {fa , en} = findProvinceFromCoordinate(point);
  • [ ] Write Jalaali and Gregorian functions to convert Date together.

Thank you for your interest in contributing! Please feel free to put up a PR for any issue or feature request.

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

Bank Maskan



If you're curious to see what can be accomplished with Persian tools, check out these apps!

If you have a software you'd like to see added, please open a pull request! All that's required is a name, link, and a PNG icon.

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Ali Torki

🚇 ⚠️ 💻


⚠️ 💻


⚠️ 💻

Hesam pourghazian


Amir Hossien Qasemi Moqaddam





💻 ⚠️


💻 ⚠️ 📖


⚠️ 💻 🤔

Amirhossein Douzandeh Zenoozi

💻 ⚠️ 🤔


💻 ⚠️


💻 ⚠️ 🤔

Poorshad Shaddel

💻 ⚠️ 🤔

Seyed Masih Sajadi

💻 ⚠️

Mohammad Ghonchesefidi

💻 ⚠️

Saeed Hasani Borzadaran

💻 ⚠️

Ali Madihi




Kaveh Karami


Mehdi Shah abbasian


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Supporters :open_hands:

Stargazers repo roster for @persian-tools/persian-tools